

Amazon EC2

亞馬遜彈性雲端運算(英語:Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud,簡稱Amazon EC2) ,是由亞馬遜公司提供的Web服務,是一個讓使用者可以租用雲端電腦運行所需應用的系統。

Amazon EC2 專用主機

EC2 專用主機是專供您使用且含有EC2 執行個體容量的實體伺服器。

Cloud Compute Capacity

Amazon EC2 provides secure, resizable compute in the cloud, offering the broadest choice of processor, storage, networking, OS, and purchase model.

How to create and deploy a virtual machine on AWS

2023年8月10日 — 8 steps guide to create and deploy a virtual machine (VM) on AWS · 1. Create an AWS account · 2. Launch AWS virtual machine · 3. Choose AMI · 4.

Launch a Linux virtual machine in Amazon Web Services

Want to get your first Linux virtual machine running in the cloud? This step by step tutorial will show you how to get your first VM running in AWS.

Launch a Linux Virtual Machine with Amazon Lightsail

2022年8月23日 — Lightsail is one of the easiest ways to get started on AWS. It offers virtual servers, storage, databases, and networking, ...

Launch a Windows Virtual Machine in Amazon Lightsail

2022年8月23日 — Amazon Lightsail is one of the easiest ways to get started on AWS. It offers virtual servers, storage, databases, and networking, ...


Amazon EC2 提供最廣泛的運算、聯網(高達400 Gbps) 和儲存服務選項,專為最佳化機器學習專案的價格效能比而建置。